Click on the city nearest you wants you to find a quality care giver to help you with your OWCP claim.
New York, NY Philadelphia, PA Baltimore, MD Washington, DC Dallas, TX Austin, TX Houston, TX San Antonio, TX Los Angeles, CA Sacramento, CA Phoenix, AZ Seattle, WA Oklahoma City, OK Miami, FL Orlando, FL Nashville, TN Tulsa, OK El Paso, TX Temple,TX Waco, TX Frederick, MD Tampa, FL is actively looking for doctors in the following areas:
Detroit, MI, Cleveland, OH, Atlanta, GA, Louisville, KY, Memphis, TN, Cincinnati, OH, Indianapolis, IN, St. Louis, MO, Charlotte, NC, Richmond, VA, Boston, MA, San Francisco, CA, Portland, OR, Salt Lake City, UT, Denver, CO, Albuquerque, NM, Minneapolis, MN, Pittsburgh, PA, Buffalo, NY, Jacksonville, FL, New Orleans, LA, Kansas City, MO, Little Rock, AR, New Orleans, LA, Buffalo, NY, Pittsburgh, PA, and more
If you have received treatment from a physician in any of these areas, let us know who your doctor was. We want to help them get excited about helping more federal employees! Stay tuned to our blog, here on the site for all the latest news about federal workers compensation doctors and treatment.