Archive for June, 2012

Establishing a Treating Federal Doctor

Tuesday, June 5th, 2012

When a federal employee has a work related injury, the process of establishing the treating physician is very important.

The OWCP generally allows the injured worker to choose who they would like to treat with. The first visit to a health care facility does not automatically name your treating doctor as it may be and urgent care or emergency room visit. Usually, the second visit, or first “office” visit, will establish the doctor that the federal workers compensation office will recognize.

Once you begin your treatment, you will not be authorized to see any other doctors for that job related injury without a direct referral from your treating physician. Your doctor will have to refer you for diagnostics if they do not do them in house, or to another specialist if your conditions require specialized care.

You may request a change in treating physician from the OWCP.  If you have a good reason for the change and at your claims examiner’s discretion, it may be authorized. If your treating doctor releases you, you may search for a new doctor and once you have seen that new physician, they are established as your new “treater.”

As you can see, it is imperative that you choose you new federal doctor wisely. With doctors across they country who take extra care to understand the OWCP, is here to help you make the right choice for your federal workers comp claim.

Start searching now to find a local doctor who understands the federal rules and regulations and can help you get treatment, evaluations, reports and documentation you need to start your recovery. No one asks to be hurt on the job, but you can make sure you get the treatment and benefits that you deserve.


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