Archive for March, 2012

Neurological Impairment? You need an EMG

Monday, March 26th, 2012

An EMG or NCV (electromyography or nerve conduction velocity study) is a test that doctors use to evaluate electrical activity in your body. When you sustain an injury that affects your nervous system, an EMG can be used to measure what kind of deficits or impairments are present.

If you have suffered a spinal injury with radiating symptoms, an EMG/NCV can be used to identify which spinal nerve root is affected by the injury. EMG’s also are used for injuries like Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, lateral epicondylitis, and other peripheral nerve impairments.

If you have a federal workers compensation claim and you want to receive a schedule award for a neurological impairment, the 6th edition of the AMA Guides may require that an EMG be performed for the impairment evaluation.

Make sure to find a physician that can perform an EMG test and either give you the appropriate rating, or forward the results of the EMG to your rating doctor. You can begin searching for a doctor who understands the OWCP methods and can help you get what you are entitled to in your claim.



Why is a doctor important?

Friday, March 23rd, 2012

When a federal employee suffers an at-work injury, there are 3 major benefits that they may be entitled to:

1. Lost wage reimbursement

2. Medical treatment

3. Schedule Award

In order to be eligible for any of those compensation benefits, the injured employee must first establish that the injury is job-related and the most important helper that they can enlist is a qualified physician. helps federal employees find local federal doctors who have experience with the OWCP and the type of documentation that is necessary to get the claim off on the right foot.

Without the appropriate documentation, your OWCP claim will go nowhere! Remember, OWCP is not interested in your injury, only in your at-work  injury.

We are constantly searching for new doctors who dedicate a portion of their practice to helping federal workers compensation patients with the treatment and reports that you will need.

Enter your zip code or browse through the cities listed at the bottom of the homepage of to find a local doctor who can help you get the benefits that you are entitled to.


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