Archive for February, 2012

More big news in East Texas

Thursday, February 16th, 2012

Texas Wellness and Rehab is the newest practice on With Board Certified specialists who offer treatment and therapy for a variety of different injuries, this group is ready for you to visit now.

Dr. Jennifer Johnson-Caldwell is a Board Certified Internist who has extensive experience with the OWCP and federal workers compensation process. She understands the types of documentation you will need for your work injury claim.

Dr. Caldwell knows that  claims examiners from the OWCP can seem unreasonable, however, her experience with the federal workers compensation office gives her the insight and know-how to help you get the benefits you are entitled to.

Texas Wellness and Rehab has in house physical therapy, a board certified orthopedic surgeon, and is adept at performing 6th Edition AMA Guides impairment evaluations. If you have a potential schedule award claim, make an appointment today.

Visit the Texas Wellness and Rehab listing here on to learn more and make your appointment to start getting the medical treatment and evaluations that you need.


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