Why are federal doctors hard to find?

The term “Federal Doctors” is simply used to describe a physician who has expressed an interest in federal workers compensation treatment. Much like a “Federal Attorney”, there is no specific designation as to what type of workers compensation they practice. They have simply elected to devote a portion of their practice to the treatment of federal employees who suffer work place injuries.

Finding a federal doctor can be extremely difficult. Federal employees are outnumbered 50:1 to the non-federal workforce. Most doctors do not see the point in learning a completely different system for 2% of there potential clientele. It is up to us(including you!) to help educate them on the need that exists for federal employees.

We are constantly chasing down leads on physicians that might understand and be willing to help more federal employees nationwide. Unfortunately, many times we find out that once we speak with that particular doctor, they have decided that they do not want to deal with the OWCP anymore.

That is why they are not on the website. Only doctors who are actively pursuing the federal workers compensation claimants are even considered to be members of FedDoctor.com. We want only the very best of treating and examining physician to represent out website. Their understanding and knowledge of both OWCP and the 6th Edition of the AMA Guides is crucial, not to mention the many forms that are often required.

Our members want to help you navigate the OWCP processes and provide you with the evidence that you need to help make you claim run like it should. Read more of our blog posts and like us on Facebook and Twitter to let everyone know that they can finally find a doctor who can help them.

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