Posts Tagged ‘OWCP’
Tuesday, October 13th, 2015
The U.S. Department of Labor, Division of Federal Employees Compensation (DFEC) recently announced that the Washington, D.C. District Office has moved locations. If you are an injured federal employee with an OWCP claim assigned to this OWCP district office, please take a moment to update your records for their new address. They new location address is:
U.S. Dept. of Labor, OWCP
375 E Street, S.W., Suite 12-300
Washington, D.C. 20024
Even though the physical location of the OWCP District Office has changed, there has been no change to the mailing address for general correspondence. You can continue to send general case correspondence and bills to the Central Mail address at PO Box 8300, London, KY 40742-8300.
Tags: DOL doctors, federal workers comp info, federal workers compensation, OWCP, owcp district office, owcp doctor, OWCP federal employee, OWCP help, OWCP info
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Saturday, November 8th, 2014
Knowing who to contact is essential when you have an OWCP Federal Workers Compensation claim. A claimant should always know where their OWCP District Office is and how to contact them! Now don’t to excited yet… Most, if not all, OWCP District Offices have a call tree that sometimes feels like it was created to confuse us! To speak directly with your assigned OWCP Claims Examiner, you will most likely have to speak to a customer service representative first to leave a direct message.

Follow THIS LINK to the US Department Of Labor’s page with the contact information for all OWCP District Offices!
Tags: DOL doctors, DOL Offices, federal doctor, federal workers comp doctor, federal workers compensation doctor, OWCP, owcp district office, owcp doctor
Posted in Federal Workers Compensation | No Comments »
Wednesday, May 16th, 2012
Which form does what? Of course most federal employees are not familiar with OWCP forms because they’ve never had an on the job injury. But if you or someone you know does ever have an injury, you must know which forms do what!
Here is a quick and simple refreshment to help us all remember some of the most important forms involved with OWCP Federal Workers Compensation claims.
CA-1 Notice of Traumatic Injury and Claim for Continuance of Compensation
CA-2 Notice of Occupational Disease and Claim for Compensation
CA-2a Notice of Recurrence
CA-7 Claim for Compensation (leave without pay, leave buy back, other wages, schedule award)
CA-10 What a federal employee should do when injured at work
CA-17 Duty Status Report
CA-20 Attending Physician’s Report
OWCP-5a Work Capacity Evaluation Psychiatric/Psychological Conditions
OWCP-5b Work Capacity Evaluation Cardiovascular/Pulmonary Conditions
OWCP-5c Work Capacity Evaluation Musculoskeletal Conditions
OWCP-915 Claim for Medical Reimbursement
OWCP-957 Medical Travel Refund Request
There are many more forms that may be used during the course of a federal employees workers compensation claim and you can find the full list and links to these forms here.
If your doctor is not familiar with these forms, share this information with them. It is vitally important to all federal employees with ongoing OWCP workers compensation claims that their doctor understands how to help them keep their ligament claim alive! This again is why exists. To help connect injured federal employees with doctors who understand OWCP.
Tags: 6th edition ama guides, causation report, DOL doctors, DOL forms, federal attorney, federal comp doctor, federal doctor, federal employees, federal government, federal lawyer, federal workers comp attorney, federal workers comp doctor, federal workers compensation attorney, federal workers compensation doctor, federal workers compensation lawyer, local doctor, local orthopedic doctor, OPM, OWCP, owcp attorney, owcp doctor, OWCP forms, owcp reimbursement, postal doctor, schedule award, schedule award doctor, southern California workers comp doctor, workmans compensation doctor
Posted in Federal Doctors, Federal Workers Compensation, General, OWCP Doctors | No Comments »
Wednesday, May 9th, 2012

Great news for Southern California… Dr. Steven Meier at the Center for Progressive Sports Medicine and Orthopedic Surgery helps federal employees! is very proud to help connect injured federal employees with Dr. Steven Meier and his wonderful team.
Dr. Meier’s office is located on the famous Wilshire Boulevard in Beverly Hills, California. His focus is on injures and he is dedicated to providing each patient with highest quality of care possible.
Dr. Meier is a Board Certified Orthopedic Surgeon and offers multiple treatment options including therapy, exercise programs, rehabilitation and minimally invasive surgical options. When surgery is necessary, the most current technologies are used which result in less postoperative pain and a faster recovery.
OWCP Federal Workers Compensation claimants are welcome! Dr. Meier has years of experience in helping individuals with work related injuries. He is also familiar with the AMA Guides 6th edition and can help you with your impairment rating examination for your OWCP schedule award.
Visit Dr. Meier’s website at or contact his office directly at (310) 777-7845.
Tags: 6th edition ama guides, Beverly Hills Workers Compensation, California workers compensation, causation report, federal attorney, federal comp doctor, federal doctor, federal government, federal lawyer, federal workers comp attorney, federal workers comp doctor, federal workers compensation attorney, federal workers compensation doctor, local doctor, local orthopedic doctor, OPM, OWCP, owcp doctor, postal doctor, schedule award, schedule award doctor, southern California workers comp doctor, workmans compensation doctor
Posted in Federal Doctors, OWCP Doctors | No Comments »
Monday, April 30th, 2012
Dr. Adarmes and the whole team over at Arizona Injury Medical Associates are doing an outstanding job for Federal Employees. is very proud to help more Federal Employees connect with their office.

AIMA offers full service pain management, EMG and NCV Studies, second opinion consultations, disability evaluations and comprehensive medical case management.
AIMA also specializes in impairment ratings for all federal employees with OWCP claims from all around the country. The staff and doctors at Arizona Injury Medical Associates care about your physical and emotional well being. With their friendly staff and Double Board Certified Doctors who are experts in injured workers and personal injury victims, you will be in good hands.
Click Here to learn more about their office or go visit their brand new website at!
Tags: 6th edition ama guides, causation report, federal comp doctor, federal doctor, federal government, federal workers comp doctor, federal workers compensation doctor, local doctor, OPM, OWCP, owcp doctor, postal doctor, schedule award, schedule award doctor
Posted in Federal Doctors, OWCP Doctors | No Comments »
Friday, April 27th, 2012
Dr. Les Benson has been treating and helping injured and disabled federal employees for several years. All federal employees in Texas need to become familiar with Dr. Benson and his excellent team. is very proud to help more federal employees connect with such a great doctor!

When you are an injured federal employee with an accepted OWCP claim, you know if can be very difficult to establish a treating physician. And it is almost impossible to find one that will “go to bat” for you against the OWCP. Dr. Benson understands this and can help you. Dr. Benson offers treatment, rehabilitation services, in-house physical therapy, disability and impairment rating examinations, and more.
Dr. Benson currently has offices in Temple, Waco, and Fort Worth.
Learn more about Dr. Benson and how he can help you!
Tags: 6th edition ama guides, causation report, federal comp doctor, federal doctor, federal government, federal workers comp doctor, local doctor, OPM, OWCP, owcp doctor, postal doctor, schedule award, schedule award doctor
Posted in Federal Doctors, OWCP Doctors | No Comments »
Tuesday, September 20th, 2011
Because it will help your fellow members!
FedDoctor is an important tool in the lives of the federal employee. If you get injured on the job and need medical care, finding a doctor who dedicates a portion of their practice to federal workers compensation can be difficult, but can also be the difference in whether you get your benefits. It is always best to see this type of doctor immediately after the injury. If you can inform your union about, they can make sure that injured employees get the type of treatment they need right away.
Tags: causation report, federal attorney, federal doctor, federal government, federal lawyer, federal workers comp attorney, federal workers comp doctor, federal workers comp lawyer, federal workers compensation attorney, federal workers compensation doctor, federal workers compensation lawyer, local doctor, local orthopedic doctor, OPM, OWCP, owcp attorney, owcp doctor, owcp lawyer, postal doctor, schedule award
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Monday, September 19th, 2011
The Office of Workers Compensation Programs (OWCP) is a branch under the Department of Labor (DOL). It specifically adjudicates and governs the laws under the Federal Employees Compensation Act (FECA). They deal with all the rules and regulations under the federal workers compensation system.
The OWCP has offices spread throughout the United States and they try to work your file at a nearby office. District Offices are located in Boston (District 1), Philadelphia (3), New York City (2), Washington, D.C. (25), Jacksonville, FL (6), Cleveland (9), Chicago (10), Kansas City (11), Dallas (16), Denver (12), San Francisco (13) and Seattle (14). Your OWCP claims numbers will start with a two digit number signifying the district office the claim was originated in. However anyone who has dealt with OWCP knows that all the mail is sent to London, KY.
The London, KY office is simply a mail room. There are no claims examiners there at all. All submissions are scanned into an electronic database and forwarded to the appropriate district office. Remember that people in all of these districts need medical care and are looking for qualified federal OWCP doctors who can help them get the care they need and benefits they deserve. That is why FedDoctor exists.
Tell your friends and coworkers not to fight OWCP alone. Visit today and get started on recovery.
Tags: boston, causation report, Chicago, cleveland, dallas, denver, federal attorney, federal doctor, federal government, federal lawyer, federal workers comp attorney, federal workers comp doctor, federal workers comp lawyer, federal workers compensation attorney, federal workers compensation doctor, federal workers compensation lawyer, jacksonville, kansas city, local doctor, local orthopedic doctor, London, nationwide, new york, OPM, OWCP, owcp attorney, owcp doctor, owcp lawyer, philadelphia, postal doctor, san francisco, schedule award, seattle, washington
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Tuesday, September 13th, 2011
This is important! We need your help and so do all of your co-workers and fellow federal employees. If no doctor comes up in your zip code search, please leave us your contact information. Once we find a doctor in your area we will contact you to let you know. We may be in the process of adding a new federal doctor in your local community right now and would have no way of informing you unless we have your contact information.
In the interim, you can search the zip code of your closest major city to see if one is there. You might be interested in a commute if it meant help with your OWCP claim.
Federal workers compensation claims are difficult and confusing. An OWCP doctor is working for the agency to determine if you are ready to return to work. A federal doctor, like the ones found on our site, is on your side making sure you are treated fairly. We want to help you find quality care and get the documentation that you need for your claim.
While you may not need to be anywhere near a federal attorney, we know that you need a doctor that you can see for treatment. However, if you need an impairment rating in order to file for a schedule award, most of our member doctors are familiar with how to rate using the 6th Edition of the AMA Guides. You do not need to treat regularly with them; you can visit them for a one time appointment.
Remember, you can help us and your fellow federal employees by leaving us your information and continuing to check our blogs, Twitter, and Facebook for udpdates on new doctors as we continue to find them.
Tags: federal attorney, federal doctor, federal government, federal lawyer, federal workers comp attorney, federal workers comp doctor, federal workers comp lawyer, federal workers compensation attorney, federal workers compensation doctor, federal workers compensation lawyer, local doctor, local orthopedic doctor, OPM, OWCP, owcp attorney, owcp doctor, owcp lawyer, postal doctor, schedule award
Posted in General | No Comments »
Monday, September 12th, 2011
This is a great question. You can travel any distance to see any doctor that you choose. The OWCP will reimburse claimants for necessary travel expenses when they go to see the doctor for an accepted federal workers compensation claim. However there are some limitations on the reimbursement.
Some OWCP Claims Examiners might not want to reimburse you for travel expenses if you are traveling extraordinarily long distances. If there are no doctors near to you, it may be permitted and approved. However, you are still allowed to see any doctor that you want, you just might not get paid for your travel expenses.
At FedDoctor, our goal is to find great federal doctors and help you connect with them. We do not charge you anything for our service. We think that you deserve quality medical care for your OWCP injury claim. Help us to spread the word and find more doctors! If you know one, tell us about them!!!
Tags: federal attorney, federal doctor, federal government, federal lawyer, federal workers comp attorney, federal workers comp doctor, federal workers comp lawyer, federal workers compensation attorney, federal workers compensation doctor, federal workers compensation lawyer, OPM, OWCP, owcp attorney, owcp doctor, owcp lawyer, owcp reimbursement, postal doctor, schedule award
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