Posts Tagged ‘schedule award doctor’

Why OWCP Requires “Additional Medical Evidence”

Tuesday, August 14th, 2012

Many federal employees that file a workers compensation claim with the OWCP receive a response requesting additional medical evidence before the OWCP will render a decision on their claim. This can be frustrating to the claimant as well as to their treating physician.

Most doctors have little experience working with the OWCP and don’t understand why they won’t connect the dots and approve their patients claim. The unfortunate reality is that the OWCP requires that the cause of injury is well specifically and thoroughly spelled out for them in easy to understand terms.

Many doctors that haven’t spent much time on federal workers compensation cases don’t expect this level of critique for their work, but using diagnostics, objective findings and a detailed narrative are often required for the Office of Workers Compensation Programs  to approve a claim. A “causation report” outlining the history of the injury or aggravation of a preexisting injury can be very important to the acceptance of a claim.

Make sure your doctor has extensive experience with the OWCP and their unusual requirements. If your physician or care provider isn’t familiar with the federal workers compensation system, it may be a good idea to find a doctor who can help you document your claim and work on your medical file. Treatment and recovery are most important, but paperwork and compensation can be the difference in a successful federal claim. is here as a trusted and free resource for federal employees who can’t find a local doctor to take on the OWCP. We scour the nation looking for federal doctors that are both interested in helping and knowledgeable of these situations. Start searching now to find a doctor near you!

Federal Workers Comp Doctors in California

Monday, August 13th, 2012 is proud to be helping federal employees find great doctors throughout the country. Currently, most federal workers have a hard time finding quality medical care from physicians that spend the extra time to understand the differences between their own state law and OWCP rules and regulations.

FedDoctor is dedicated to trying to help anyone and everyone with an ongoing federal claim see a doctor who is committed to working on their file. California is off to a great start and federal employees are able to find top quality care providers in both southern and northern parts of the state. With multiple practices in the greater Los Angeles area, Sacramento, and beyond, won’t stop until all federal employees have a place to go for care.

If you have been hurt on the job, or you know someone who has, FedDoctor wants to help. Call or click today to get started on your road to recovery.

Establishing a Treating Federal Doctor

Tuesday, June 5th, 2012

When a federal employee has a work related injury, the process of establishing the treating physician is very important.

The OWCP generally allows the injured worker to choose who they would like to treat with. The first visit to a health care facility does not automatically name your treating doctor as it may be and urgent care or emergency room visit. Usually, the second visit, or first “office” visit, will establish the doctor that the federal workers compensation office will recognize.

Once you begin your treatment, you will not be authorized to see any other doctors for that job related injury without a direct referral from your treating physician. Your doctor will have to refer you for diagnostics if they do not do them in house, or to another specialist if your conditions require specialized care.

You may request a change in treating physician from the OWCP.  If you have a good reason for the change and at your claims examiner’s discretion, it may be authorized. If your treating doctor releases you, you may search for a new doctor and once you have seen that new physician, they are established as your new “treater.”

As you can see, it is imperative that you choose you new federal doctor wisely. With doctors across they country who take extra care to understand the OWCP, is here to help you make the right choice for your federal workers comp claim.

Start searching now to find a local doctor who understands the federal rules and regulations and can help you get treatment, evaluations, reports and documentation you need to start your recovery. No one asks to be hurt on the job, but you can make sure you get the treatment and benefits that you deserve.

Sacramento has a FedDoctor!

Wednesday, May 23rd, 2012

Northern California, your wait is finally over!

Dr. Mark Bernhard, board certified in physical medicine and rehabilitation, is now a member of the FedDoctor community. Dr. Bernhard, who has been practicing medicine for over 30 years, focuses on helping patients who have been injured on the job. He functions as a Primary Treating Physician and his special interests are in the evaluation and treatment of the musculoskeletal system.

Federal workers compensation claims often require extra effort on the part of your physician and Dr. Bernhard has the knowledge and interest in helping you with your claim. Dr. Bernhard performs Impairment Ratings in accordance with the 6th Edition of the AMA Guides that will assist you in your claim for schedule award benefits from OWCP.

Contact Dr. Bernhard to begin receiving the treatment that you deserve for your OWCP claim. In addition to causual narratives and reports, Dr. Bernhard can provide many types of treatment, EMG/NCV diagnostics, x-rays, injections, prescription exercise plans and FCE (functional capacity evaluations).


OWCP Forms 101

Wednesday, May 16th, 2012

Which form does what? Of course most federal employees are not familiar with OWCP forms because they’ve never had an on the job injury. But if you or someone you know does ever have an injury, you must know which forms do what!

Here is a quick and simple refreshment to help us all remember some of the most important forms involved with OWCP Federal Workers Compensation claims.

CA-1  Notice of Traumatic Injury and Claim for Continuance of Compensation

CA-2  Notice of Occupational Disease and Claim for Compensation

CA-2a  Notice of Recurrence

CA-7  Claim for Compensation (leave without pay, leave buy back, other wages, schedule award)

CA-10  What a federal employee should do when injured at work

CA-17  Duty Status Report

CA-20  Attending Physician’s Report

OWCP-5a  Work Capacity Evaluation Psychiatric/Psychological Conditions

OWCP-5b  Work Capacity Evaluation Cardiovascular/Pulmonary Conditions

OWCP-5c  Work Capacity Evaluation Musculoskeletal Conditions

OWCP-915  Claim for Medical Reimbursement

OWCP-957  Medical Travel Refund Request

There are many more forms that may be used during the course of a federal employees workers compensation claim and you can find the full list and links to these forms here.

If your doctor is not familiar with these forms, share this information with them. It is vitally important to all federal employees with ongoing OWCP workers compensation claims that their doctor understands how to help them keep their ligament claim alive! This again is why exists. To help connect injured federal employees with doctors who understand OWCP.



Orthopedic Surgeon in Beverly Hills Helps Federal Employees!

Wednesday, May 9th, 2012


Great news for Southern California… Dr. Steven Meier at the Center for Progressive Sports Medicine and Orthopedic Surgery helps federal employees! is very proud to help connect injured federal employees with Dr. Steven Meier and his wonderful team.

Dr. Meier’s office is located on the famous Wilshire Boulevard in Beverly Hills, California. His focus is on injures and he is dedicated to providing each patient with highest quality of care possible.

Dr. Meier is a Board Certified Orthopedic Surgeon and offers multiple treatment options including therapy, exercise programs, rehabilitation and minimally invasive surgical options. When surgery is necessary, the most current technologies are used which result in less postoperative pain and a faster recovery.

OWCP Federal Workers Compensation claimants are welcome! Dr. Meier has years of experience in helping individuals with work related injuries. He is also familiar with the AMA Guides 6th edition and can help you with your impairment rating examination for your OWCP schedule award.

Visit Dr. Meier’s website at or contact his office directly at (310) 777-7845.



Arizona Injury Medical Associates

Monday, April 30th, 2012

Dr. Adarmes and the whole team over at Arizona Injury Medical Associates are doing an outstanding job for Federal Employees. is very proud to help more Federal Employees connect with their office.



AIMA offers full service pain management, EMG and NCV Studies, second opinion consultations, disability evaluations and comprehensive medical case management.

AIMA also specializes in impairment ratings for all federal employees with OWCP claims from all around the country. The staff and doctors at Arizona Injury Medical Associates care about your physical and emotional well being. With their friendly staff and Double Board Certified Doctors who are experts in injured workers and personal injury victims, you will be in good hands.

Click Here to learn more about their office or go visit their brand new website at!



Dr. Benson has 3 locations in Texas to Help Federal Employees!

Friday, April 27th, 2012

Dr. Les Benson has been treating and helping injured and disabled federal employees for several years.  All federal employees in Texas need to become familiar with Dr. Benson and his excellent team. is very proud to help more federal employees connect with such a great doctor!


When you are an injured federal employee with an accepted OWCP claim, you know if can be very difficult to establish a treating physician.  And it is almost impossible to find one that will “go to bat” for you against the OWCP.  Dr. Benson understands this and can help you. Dr. Benson offers treatment, rehabilitation services, in-house physical therapy, disability and impairment rating examinations, and more.

Dr. Benson currently has offices in Temple, Waco, and Fort Worth.

Learn more about Dr. Benson and how he can help you!



Neurological Impairment? You need an EMG

Monday, March 26th, 2012

An EMG or NCV (electromyography or nerve conduction velocity study) is a test that doctors use to evaluate electrical activity in your body. When you sustain an injury that affects your nervous system, an EMG can be used to measure what kind of deficits or impairments are present.

If you have suffered a spinal injury with radiating symptoms, an EMG/NCV can be used to identify which spinal nerve root is affected by the injury. EMG’s also are used for injuries like Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, lateral epicondylitis, and other peripheral nerve impairments.

If you have a federal workers compensation claim and you want to receive a schedule award for a neurological impairment, the 6th edition of the AMA Guides may require that an EMG be performed for the impairment evaluation.

Make sure to find a physician that can perform an EMG test and either give you the appropriate rating, or forward the results of the EMG to your rating doctor. You can begin searching for a doctor who understands the OWCP methods and can help you get what you are entitled to in your claim.



Why is a doctor important?

Friday, March 23rd, 2012

When a federal employee suffers an at-work injury, there are 3 major benefits that they may be entitled to:

1. Lost wage reimbursement

2. Medical treatment

3. Schedule Award

In order to be eligible for any of those compensation benefits, the injured employee must first establish that the injury is job-related and the most important helper that they can enlist is a qualified physician. helps federal employees find local federal doctors who have experience with the OWCP and the type of documentation that is necessary to get the claim off on the right foot.

Without the appropriate documentation, your OWCP claim will go nowhere! Remember, OWCP is not interested in your injury, only in your at-work  injury.

We are constantly searching for new doctors who dedicate a portion of their practice to helping federal workers compensation patients with the treatment and reports that you will need.

Enter your zip code or browse through the cities listed at the bottom of the homepage of to find a local doctor who can help you get the benefits that you are entitled to.


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